Survive Preppers
Editorial Design - Preppers - Fanzine

What is it?

A guide on how to survive a conversation with a Prepper!

Project Partner: Sine Eising
We need to survive them?
Preppers are people who genuinely prepare for the end of the world, and their jargon and abbreviations can easily be misunderstood by us, non-preppers. And yes, while they prepare for the end of the world, we need to prepare ourselves for the dialogue with them.

This Prepper Survival Guide, is a “made to look like a survival guide” for Preppers. However, it has a twist on how to survive 'them' and their language.

Better safe than sorry!
Why the massive typeface?
The typeface Druk Condensed X Super by Berton Hasebe was used in order to mimic the idea of fitting the titles on the page, the same way Preppers attempt to put as much survival tools into their bags and boxes.

Prepare for the interaction.
Better safe than sorry..!

Notice More
Intervention Design - Rethink Routine - Visual Language